u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m
?$ d a n b a n k
$ centsz|
t a t t s l o t t o - s a t u r d a y - t a t t s l o t t o - ( currently $3.30c AUD per week (4rows of numbers=games ticket):tHOUGHiGETa10weekWEEKENDtenDRAWSticketFOR-$33.00c AUD [ 2023.$ ]
& i gamble $1 on a $1 scratchie from the newsagent$ now every fortnight & i get Granny to scratch it & the agreement is i halve the win$$ with her. so yeah, . ... . . . . .
it's the only chance of getting gracedd with $10,000.00c AUD = a million cent$ ! !!! !!!! | | | | |||| | | | |||
| | | | also, i used to do syndicate$ with both the saturday tattslotto & also with $1 scratchie$ ... .....
So yeah with the $1 scratchie syndicate i'd sell 9 positions @ 10cent$ each & reserve one tenth or 1 of 10 positions either for myself or someone im chariting (those this is very unoffen or @ all !!!!)
. . anyway iv the scratchie won then each 10cent paying (1of10) position holder gets 10% of the win$$.
iT wAS jUST a wAY tO rEDUCE tHE Lost coin money aud$ though still have a chance of winning at least $1000 iv it won the jackpot of $10K !!!!
0 1 . 4 4 - A M - S A T U R D A Y - 2 0 2 3 - 0 1 - 2 8 - DANIEL!
most recent offer: $2000 investment for a free $5 banknote every fortnight & the $2k is still owed / up in the air as isolatedd principle .....
. . . . . so , the $5 (per fortnight) is free money ~ = - interest equivY free money & the princple & neccessity for the incvestment is the $2,000.00c AUD ....