DEBT2023_ALL_THE_OTHER_EXTRA_RE-GIFTMENT_AMOUNTS_THOUGHT ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ + ==== HERE I'LL List ALL THE THINGS I MAY THINK OF THAT COST $$ ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ + ==== --> Glasses Granny & Pop = iO $6,840.08c AUD Visit with$6 & AIM toothpaste tube$ & ?$ what else how many pen$ ? six two of each colour so 2 blue 2 red 2 black so that it = 6 & i get 4 to keep or put towards some for Glasses Granny! ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ + ==== vVvVvV lego beach house boogie boards bikes the laundry under the house lego magic eye playing visiting Glasses Granny & Pop ( NEAR CITY ) that trust fund of Gayle'$ liquidate-ing in ? a 90s year: on N64 Game BuckBumble & a HO Scale TrainTrack Y-junction & not sure what else ?$ must of been more Goosebump$ & ?$ ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ + ==== --> Gayle $2,337.29c AUD = $2,441.20c AUD 20z1/20z2 check --> Ralph $2,337.29c AUD = $2,441.20c AUD 20z1/20z2 check --> Cliff ?$ check?check? how many kids unknown cousin$?! ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ + ==== ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ + ==== --> Granny & R.I.P. Pop $4,400.00c AUD trailing 2020/20z1 --> ALL MUM's SIBLINGS = $230 EACH OR ?$ = 10oz OF SILVER ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ + ==== pool entry fuel to get to school: -primary each day -then uftg station each morning for emmaus then fairhill$ -me picked up from uftg station till had to catch the bus -weekends & holidays random knox burwood late night lifts -drunk nights teenager era that did fade out & no lift$ ! -?$ ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ + ==== Martin $100 danbank bond money $ & $6 interest owed Dec23 Chrisy $20 to be repaid May 6th 2023 for her birthday !!! Jason $50 for shoe$ he gave me & I want to work OFF THE d aNGELA I OWE $65 BASE NEEDING INFLATION TO BE ACCURATER+$ COLLEEN i owe $35 & whatever else i do owe still not sure STEPHEN & MICHELLE - 2flake$,chip$,potatoeCake$ & $50 AUD ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ + ====