u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m

thE-uNDER-$1000-DEBT$-20230214-VALENTINE$.html | | |

$0.20c AUD - An 1980 twenty cent piece for Brett's Mate Chris from ?FTG?ROWVILLE...

$0.00c AUD

$950.00c AUD - THE FULL AMOUNT I OWE GRANNY NOT INCLUDEING THE RE-GIFTMENT AMOUNT THAT WAS $4,400.00c AUD ish for the 2020/z1 financial year...

?$834? ~ unsure of amount though around this and near last quotedd price for this INTENSIVE DRINK DRUG DRIVE COURSE to be done over webinar / webcam 3hrs x3week$ ?! , so yeah i need to also get my medical report to clear my bs to do with olanzapine and being a schizophrenic so yeah that stuff , ... . . . . .

$500.00c AUD ~ THE FULL OVERDRAFT MAX LIMIT DEBT THAT I NEED TO REPAY IN ORDER TO BE " on top of my shiFt ! '" ~ said my God Brother Paul A
+ $500.00c AUD - thE exact neededd after repaying the overdraft to act as a buffer so that has $1000 available that never gets usedd !...

$185.00c AUD - thE amount i need to pay Dad so that then i have prepaid the new car battery for $120 and startedd a corolla restoreing fund with a balance of $100.00c AUD ....

$49.99c AUD - Doug current debt...

$34.95c AUD - Tom current debt...

$12.00c AUD - Jess current debt...

$6,750.00c AUD & THIS $20.25c AUD THIS PAYDAY FEB 15TH 2023 FOR MUM....