pages3and4yellowbook20230108.txt - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - - - - - page 2or3Sorry = = = = note to self & those that care for & of is for that 1 woman who was wheeling her Green Waste[[[[psychLINK interuption in typeing transcribeing this written now over a hour ago writtings im geting the tongue on the back of my teeth so bastard money bag$ is at it again getting head off that mowing girl defruiting hell is my life i need a gf and female skin astat ! some girl save me please !!!||||]]]] ]]]] 1minute till 1030pm Sunday January 8th of 2023.$ anyhow i best get back to typeing this transcribe material hang on........ ....... bin out & was Looking @ Me Like?God know$; I'm not a saint, the excuse on @ the time was & is "they Rivotedd Me for talking to People (out in public) so the tamper or bioMemory of touched tampered pressure applied to the back of my brain I think in the crebal cortex area well like a kid to a heated fry pan, I know, I thought Some1 was Gonna come into my room @ ipu2 on my last night that time (episode)(i think in 2014?2013?2015? & Surely enough 2 black silouette$ came in when i was pretending to be asleep & one held cradled my head & (my skull) & the other 1 put what I glimpsed to like a sawn off Selleys glue gun like a handle of a pistol with a circle Pad to rest Against the back of my skull & like cliche TV as it shot in I poked open my eyes & then fainted PTO TBC (page4:) = = = = Anyway the next morning I think it was my last day that time in pretty sure ipu2 Anyway I wake up & feel this duple tinest riase thumble coz rounded on the back of my skull & go up to the Nurses Station & tap on the Glas Going "Did some1 Come into my Room Last Night ? who the fruit ?" Anyway the nurse Im chooseing to remain nameless was like "idk" >^ shrugs & yeah then i re-read the Mental Health Act 2014 about >^ "NeuroSurgery unconcentuated & nondisclosedd >^ ?!|from page3 the rivot tamper bs story that diod happen ---- more so then the fifty jaycar like Nintendo NES 1st1 Controller Rectangle though bigger remotes psychLink story---- & not the halo scar-ing ?inkBlotSmudge&maybeA:)?(: _: anyway finnishedd typeing this @ 1042pm Sunday January 8th 2023.$... .... OCD'd TIME STAMP: 10.43pm Sunday January 8th 2023.$... . . . .