TM20230127FRIDAY-SIDE1n2-1.txt ==== = ============== ==== ===== side1: = = = = - Gather Alol the Shell Reciept$ & total them & find that 49XX number & update the $1000+ List & print & Archive in yougurt tub all the reciepts -maybe make 1.txt file about the soon Viva Energy coles expres take over 0 - - - - 0 - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 & now 852pm Friday 201230127 I Just got to the Alpine Lodge driveway - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - - - - - ? maybe make a danbank only index manifest menu of all those I got money from & they Investedd ---- - -------------- ---- 854pm & now on back Verandah I gotta repay Doug his give Ciggy$# ---- - -------------- ---- ----- I Just turned on the Computer @ 855pm Friday ---- ---- & I think/reckon I should Contact Emma soon or Just tonight And ask her about tomoz Saturday & training it to the city: the city Melbourne (2023).$... side2: = = = = Before 840/841pm Friday20230127 Just Walking along 1 tree Hill Rd FC Vic & memory/Reminder: -the Baxter List 20?23 -the Singer (part$) SewingMachine pickup&Baxter'$1 -Kimberley&that$185singer &the fact of 1 Alfonz. -Sanela & the 1 itinery schedule -the66HH debt&tribute list & hamper -the Armstrong List (2023) & maybe an FC/Cooper$ etc list1 Just walking past 31 one tree hill rd An EARL(Julian)List 2 0 23 01 27 time?# -upload & make just 1? 2023 folder -make a major highest subject topic index Ledger vVv > kraktivite$ & list the Clean Up AustraliA idea of picking up litter bit by (illigelable] & illigiebale again . ... . . . . , = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = > Usefull Everyday thing$? mainly savedd from trash --> like: the ciggy butt$ Homeless Pillow$ & the cig ash mould killer applicator List in?kraktivitie$ -> Salvage Tobacco maybe also add the 1 .txt file that historically credit$ that 1 Mivhael Whitting & maybe add how I met him threw Allison & my cousin semi-briefly dated him transcribe-ing/transpose-ing/typeing up finishedd at 608am/609am Saturday The 28th of Janauary 2023.$... . . . . , = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = bs from DANDE DANIEL DAWSON me . ... . . . . ,