u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m
8.58pm - started this .txt file & now 8.59pm I gotta retrace my stepsz & try to find this lost/droptd piece of parchment / reciept / or the like bit of paper on my walk back from the bus stop after rideing the bus from uftg to near the general (store) so yeah now exactly 9.00pm i better save this and go ! !!! !!!! | | | |
! now it is 10.05pm & i have just finishedd for the night the primary/initial scan & printing work/homework i neeededd to do other than the run-ing late & already past deadline i think scan homework for Dr.DRCH(87) being to scan the back$ of my ArtCard($) though yeah now the time is six minutes past 10pm !!! !!!! | | | |
ok ....
!!! Here is a link to the .txt file of this file up2&b4theTimeOf[10.09pm] Friday 2023-01-27 -DANDE - --- - - - - =
| | 1 0 . 1 1 - P M - F R I D A Y - 2 0 2 3 - 0 1 - 2 7 - D A N D E | ||| | | | |
Friday 10.12pm January 27th 2023.$... ....