ross, hopefully without the overstep it is haunts misinforming me so that the idea of an JUSTinCASE folder & directive formed on the fear of this panic room / hidden grow room quadraplicgic nightmare after being thrown off a balcony at some beach side party by a bodyguardsmen in response to sighting a drink being spiked though yeah allison apparently goes to your side on the $800 landscape marble tile in the beach houses front yard where u land & then due to some bs adultery with the ambulant staff u are taken to somewhere private and that nightmare u told me of the Alter Of Filth 1 that i called it hopefully never happens/z and more so the bs i get told on psychLINK best be all bs and not sin after sin after , ... it does seam like weathering is less these few days ben though emily, trish being a traitor etc the solicitation is a no good 1... anyhow you and niall will believe what yous?/z already do though yeah hoepfully instead of FANTASIA allison price of thieves persian prizner before kevin kostner escapes though yeah enough 90s near non bs though the black paint from spraying the album (the 300 i think photo album album) had a illustration of rigby from regular show then it morphed into a mouth full of water and stifledd the ruinner of macas ftg ?1996? slide sharks and fishermen due to a yuck chunk of chit on the playground fort though yeah i am quite sure i met u at ftg macas and your mum is owed at least 1-?3?4?5!?max!?!!! Jr. Burger$ and a large?mcDonald sundae as i think that day back then your mum forktd out the coin for me?us?myself to get another jr burger and think sundae to further extent so yeah thought and entry in "the kenneday hamper" ledger is such re-numeration though yeah got heap[s of debt to still pay/repay anyhow... lets hope for the glitching motorbike stunt gorge/ravine jump without the gta like graphics glitching so u not a panic room alter of filth victim and the 56 year old that says in agreement "iv only we agreedd eariler ~ we could of saved the world eariler " ~ something like that though yeah anyhow ill copy & paste it to notepad as a file calledd: email-20230128-ROSS-K-1 anyhow injoi yourself unsinfully. nonfantasia dan. 2.35am Saturday The 28th of January 2023.$... . . . . .