a-few-msgs-that-i-sent-a-girl-on-facebook-RE-safe-cattle.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = 00:46 You sent hey are u the girl who agreedd with my idea of having all this land and allowing any of the straveing cattle that would be culledd miugrate and live on the land forever free of getting conveyerbelt movedd along a edwards scissorhand biscuit makeing like abbytrawh of horror? You sent just wondering ..... You sent 1246am You sent Monday June 5th 2023 | | | | You sent unfree.coffeecup.com unfree.coffeecup.com * the fostering?takeing-in/accomodate-ing/letting-agistment-of-cattle-from-all-over-the-world-to-offer-a-safe-place-to-strave-or-get-grass-and-not-be-killed-or-handedd-over-to-those-that-eventually-adventurely-(unkindlyhalfkind-ish)will-or-may-anyhow-thankyou-JMcP-thankyou-2023060500481248AM-1