Comments Daniel Dawson maroondah requirement !??? midnight zer0 hour 1am 1hour of 72 missing persons?/z! & damn myki and signing into this computer dont really feel like being cold wet and biten again by a spider so yeah hopefully i dont have gestapo here doing the b$ set in motion by me doing nothing just typeing away on the keyboard at library and staff having it in for me watching my mouse curser movements i gtg Reply28 m Daniel Dawson 1min to 730pm Reply28 m Daniel Dawson 7 7s are here now damn it Reply27 m Daniel Dawson b$ Reply27 m Daniel Dawson farewell sterum from no ciggy and that, Reply27 m Daniel Dawson 730pm Reply27 m Daniel Dawson Thursday June 8th 2023 | | | | Reply27 m Daniel Dawson 754pm false alarm ?hallucinations?/z| or like when i went to bed one night year ago or so hearing the distinct voice of a parents family friend then go out there to the kitchen and ask "was these here?' they (my parents are like "nah though were seeing them this weekend" though yeah not premenishing its ?um755pm paranoia maybe though have thought scientifically it might have to do with chrystal (pzsioquartz) in radio$ and tv?valve?tube$?that sort of coponet electrionics more then thinking zap wire elctiricty and that though yeah 756pm Thursday June 8th 2023 | | | | Reply1 m Daniel Dawson cooking toast because i didnt want meat again though will breach that later this week wanting not just margeretta though yeah should of gone tonight though yeah.... Reply1 m Daniel Dawson 757pm Thursday June 8th 2023 | | | | Reply1 m Daniel Dawson copy and paste this please Daniel.. Reply1 m