$-2023-05-15-1855-ME-DANDE-1 = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ok, here i am about to start or have startedd typeing this txt file that starts with a dollar $ sign as the file savedd name is anyway thought was thinking that iv i manage to find a significant other that wants to live with me then i thought that the idea of renting my parents whole property house and land the lot for $600 per fortnight so each of us ( me and this significant feam of dream ) could centrepay $300 per forntight each and both would qualify for the rent assistance that i think is or was $134 and therefore only be costing $166 ish per fortnight and yeah then the enitre house would be sorta my own domain and then only then after wards this one requirement is that after me leaseing renting the whole house only then can i put all the bill$ into my name so im then the one financially accountable though it coant be done with me not rentning the property. anyhow just a thought i had from traveling from carlton to city to camberwell to here this library. OCD'd TIME STAMP: 6:58 PM - MONDAY - THE 15TH OF MAY - 2023 | | | |