A-FAMILY-DEBT-SUMMARY-20230515-MY-IMMEDIATE-FAMILY.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = * i owe Dad $100.00c AUD & - the rent arears $300.00c AUD x 40 = $12,000.00c AUD - the missedd board & lodgeings payments unpaid & ceasedd July 1st 2022 | | | | - the Super Market Debt that currently is $3,600.00c AUD though needs to be increasedd with more reciept$ ... .... - this idea and accountablity for a backdatedd bill($) money debt that i in future will have to aggregate . . . . . - that is pretty much all of it other then REGIFTMENT AMOUNT THAT STILL NEEDS TO BE CALCULATEDD and needs to include things like piano lessons & bracer$ ... .....? * i owe Mum $230.00c AUD (and $299.95c AUD after she gets me another 4pk of V 500mL from shell $13 and a $56.95c AUD packet of JPS RED 35s from Coles though yeah... & - i also owe Mum the danbank bond money $15,000.00c AUD that i owe and in return every fortnight i pay her the free $45.00c AUD free money interest equivy and th bonus centage$ for any of the money owe over that so at current present time the $230 means 23 x 3cents (as 3c per $10 debt) so then the bonus = $0.69c AUD this payday! . . . . though yeah outside Mum and Dad there is my thre brothers and there debt / tribute / tangibles im oweing them on are as follows: * DOUG i owe: - a bottle of full cream milk - some bandaids - these 2016 coins that are ziplocktd here @ alpine - think this $200 in cash to be a good brother and to respect the 2007?$200 REBEL VOUCHER PRESENT ... ..... - though yeah not sure of what else i owe defineately still . ... ..... * TOM i owe: - thos box of Bulla Splits icecreams - another $30.00c AUD in present money $ that i need to catch up on / with ... ..... - not sure those presents for his three kids !!!! | | | | * JESS & EM i owe: - this one list of stuff that i need to deliver on all the entrys that make it to this list though they together owe me $9k !!!! | | | | * um that is about it other then oweing the cheat and theiver gold miner prospector Doug's exgirlfriend/wife bs evil one T.H.89 i owe her a 355mL sugar soap dispensor unit thing still and that is about it and she theftedd from my storage i think an envelope of three grand and another one of ten grand GOD knows how pirate and privateer involvement benefits those that help othersz though yeah theres that and the few dollar coins she4 stole when i had them all out sorting threw the different designs and that the evil think that was around $5 worth theftedd then out the back on the verandah at the table though yeah that and $400k ish off my brotherno wonder she looks ugly nowdays/z sorry Cannon and Ally and deformedd poor soul over the fence its not yousz that are the evil its the poor decisions that she made to benefit herself at the expense of others mainly my brother her exhusband a non cheat. anyway enough of me ! !!! !!!!! * then um not sure i have a few different year coins together here and off the hill that are the birthyears of my other brothers girlfriend and my nephews and nieces mum and also of them kids talking about and also that of some of my other brother's kids i got coins for them also there birth years though yeah anough of me ! !!! !!!!! * i also have a dollar coin for Cannon as he is owed the centage money that this non bs setup i made for him, Granny and Mum to own the dividend rights to i think three TAH (tabcorp) ordinary shares each for paying me under though near ten dollars each though since then Tabcorp demergedd the tattslotto segment isolation and dispensedd these new TLC (theLottoCompany) ordinary shares 1 for each 1 TAH asx share ownedd though yeah i just have been paying Granny Mum and Cannon the dividend amount in cent$ though forgot and lost track for a few months maybe six or a year unsure though a dollar coin is well an truely enough to cover that what i owe him and i paid both Granny and Mum their dollar already though yeah need to be on the ball and aware of dividend payments though yeah just they can't purchase a $250k car yet or ever, Pop said i need over a $50,000.00c AUD share portfolio to not even cover the cost of smoking cigarettes , to finance and purchase packet after packet though yeah i think smokeing ciggysz has cost me owning a house also though yeah enough anough of me daniel d... * thats it for now.... OCD'd TIME STAMP: 11:42pm Monday May 15th 2023 | | | |