Glasses-Granny-and-Pop-relatedd-iou-and-mission$-May'23.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = * I need to repay/return all of the ReGiftment Amount that for the 20z1/20z2 financial year is still $4,840.08c AUD still i think & ive only paid $141.00c AUD so far.... * there is not any cash loannedd debts in xzystance so far or ever yet so that is good and is not yet owedd or anything ... .... * i do owe Gayle and Ralph and maybe Cliff some ReGiftment Money still i think with Gayle owedd the most i think ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! . ... ..... * i managedd to get Glasses Granny her nescafe43 though i still need to get Pop his "red" lipton tea box of teabags or tea whatever it is that i still can't find yet !!!! * um i also need to deliver on another 3 designs and the original 1st1 im thinking so 4 deifferent bumoper sticker designs with printedd physical tangible bumper stickers to give Glasses Granny a few of them or a sheet worth of each one at least for compensation for that " I saw <=+++=/> Pt. Lonesdale '88 " bumper sticker she gave me from when in 1988 when i was either 1 or not even 1 yet the fact that at Point Lonesdale when at the beach you can see ships coming into Port Phillip bay and that and since this occassion ever after i would usually only see shipping container boats ships move slowly accross the horizon geting to look threw binoculars that both dad and Glasses Granny and Pop had / ownedd though yeah this bumper sticker Glasses Granny gave me was of a sailship boat like olden days 1700s 1600s seafareing sail boats ship that i think forget the actual year though i think after 2004?2005?2006?2008? i have no idea though Dad went on this sail boat venture in the Pacific Ocean and i think he is insane to have gone and thankfully he made it back as i do not trust massive bodies of water, defineately not sea water.. anyway ... ..... * also i owe ?$ not sure . . . . * ! again ! i defineately still owe Gayle over three thousand dollar$ AUD @ least of ReGiftment Money $ though i think missedd birthdays is a reason she disbandedd me or is just wanting to have money walking and not daniel high bs talking yakjawing and that, anyway ... ..... * i also owe Ralph ReGiftment Money$ $$$ and not sure the extent that i owe Uncle Cliff as from near abouts Jesse's birthyear im not sure when we or i have actually seen him since as think first time in years was when it was Dad's or Christmas or something some occassion and for once thankfully though i would of bitchedd it and not gone out to the kitchen dineing area loundge and proberbly didnt even sight him even though he was here @ alpine im not sure though not that long ago .... though yeah anyway ... .... * um, here i am trying to make a Glasses Granny and Pop list like the Granny and R.I.P. Pop list i just made before this .txt file though yeah unsure what is owedd still ! !!! !!!!! * i only owe Dad $100 outside the arearedd rent and missedd board and lodgeings and the Super Market Debt and a should compile backdatedd bill$ amount i should owe him and or both him and mum and the westpac account though yeah anyhow for my car restoration and the photocopying he has already done and needs to do relateing to my car i only owe $100 and after that that means there is a $100 in the corolla restoration fund as float coin and ive already prepaid also $120 for a brand new car battery also so yeah anyhow ... ..... * then idk ?$ OCD'd TIME STAMP: 11:09pm Monday May 15th 2023 | | | |