Granny-relatedd-iou-and-mission$-202305152244.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = * repay and return the $4,595.62c AUD 20z1/20z2 financial year$ ReGiftment Amount that I have only paid so far $5.65c AUD only... * deliver on the pantry list and all the listedd in suches manifest for more points and better leveling the debt and or accounting relatedd to Granny and R.I.P. Pop.... * marshmellow$ this birthday for Granny and those at her party/celebration next month June 2023 that has her turning 90 years old ! ! ! ! * need to deliver to her place before the 9th of June 2023 more kindleling and small amount though anough firewood for these marshmellow$ fire pit already there . ... ..... * another bag full of stick$ from Alpine is defs neededd before her bday this June 2023 | | | | * tidy up the garage and all the aluminium can$ that i have cache stashedd there temporilaly to quantify before taking them all to the scrapyard in near future... ..... * maybe go and purchase one of those Arnotts buscuits type that Anne brought over to Grannysz and offer it as tribute to them both , ... ..... * have $2 also for Anne for that roll of coins from the PROSTEQUE or however you spell its newer or different competition to ARMAGUARD trucks etc ..... * also have ziplocktd the exact cost in money for one plain beef steak pie from upwey bakery ... .... * provide and delvier to Granny's house a 180g block of Cadbury chocolate that i think is $5.50c AUD @ shell till May 31st 2023 | | | | * delvier and re-stock Granny's fridge with another Low Sugar bottle of Ocean Sprays Cranberry Juice that normal price @ waltwoolworths is 625cent$ !!!!!!! ___ _____ * um also ?,,, there is the PANTRY LIST that i haven't constructedd yet and needs to have as a gift a starting jar of vegemite , th horrible stuff it is ! ... ..... * ? not sure i think that is it other then return her blue bag & maybe do the lawns again for free this time and refil the jerry can full of petrol! !!! !!!!! | | | | * then i think that is it as i owe no coin currently to Granny as she refusedd to loan me after repaying last fortnight's tick owedd completely luckily even iv a few days late ! ! ! ! | | | | * and yeah i think that is it so far.... OCD'd TIME STAMP: 10:53pm Monday May 15th 2023 | | | |