Relative$-relatedd-202305152313$.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = * i owe Martin $100.00c AUD and another $6 this December 2023 | | | | * i owe Stephen $50.00c AUD and i think this december or june $3 and december another $3 though yeah that & * the fish 'n chip$ being 2 flakes, 4 potatoe cakes and $4 of chip$ that i still owe or said i'd repay adventurely ! !!! !!!!! * i owe Colleen $35.00c AUD that so far ive ony repay $5.00c AUD of only... * & i owe Angela $65 from years ago and not sure what exact financial year it was though the $65 needs inflateing and ive only paid her $5 so far and have $10 in an envelope @ Granny's currently for her still ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! * also @ Granny's i have envelopedd the $20 i said to Auntie Chrissy that i would repay May 6th 2023 and did make sure that date i had it ready for her @ Granny's like it still is currently there for her to pick up still ! !!! !!!!! * i also owe my cousin Jason $50.00c AUD for a pair of shoes that gracedd me going to rebel or somewhere to spend more then that on a pair of shoes that are neededd forerver sorta though yeah i was hoeping i could find some tangible stuff goods belongings stuff that interestedd him in my storeage and pay him that instead in order to save me fifty dollars though yeah unsure and unknowning yet what i may or may not have for him as alternative currency thoutgh yeah i still owe him regardless ... .... * then i owe i think Michael my uncle at least further tithes money and dreading the confession of like National Lampoons europian adventure non bs though yeah hundreds thousands of dollars that not yet disclosedd non bs is / is a redpipebomb waiting to explode ! though yeah better was the psychlink and instruction to purchase the exact same SIMPSONS TAZO set series that were the one that i theftedd one or two tazoes from when he let me see it as a kid and i had to return them that day/night because he noticedd them missing and was my first theft theiveing from him and cost me all chances of faith and trust in me and can only repay such sin and be fully forgiven after i die and is never fully repaid untill such circumstance though yeah im ment to purhcase off ebay or anywhere the exact same series set of Tazoes and then let him know once i possess them and then psychlink said after that i would be given the next instruction mission / idea / order for relate-ing to these tazoes though yeah aside that there is the pipebomb relatedd. egypt crypt encryptedd not really dumb daniel dawson thief of the servoe?newsagents non village townsmen bs. anyhow just another sin i committedd and have to die for or die top be forgiven for. that seams to be the sitch scenario when relateing to such non bs. ... . . . . . * anyway and yeah also i think i owe ? not sure though defineately REGIFTMENT AMOUNTS TO VARIOUS IV NOT ALL MY RELATIVES THOUGH I AM UNABLE AT PresenT tO REPAY THEM!!! * ......then aside all that that is about all i think that i owe still to my relatives other then the thousand dollar$ pluses to my Auntie Gayle etc and yeah, so on.. * not sure what else right now ! !!! !!!!! OCD'd TIME STAMP: 11:24pm Monday May 15th 2023 | | | |