turn computer/laptop linktd to Monitor due to laptop screen broken (cracktd) smashed & Connectedd to laptop So is this keyboard & this wireless mouse - - - - & yeah Im unsure of the exact wattage though im guessing it clocks up multiple kWh$ on the electricity power bill here @Alpine - - - - & yeah have to wait a few minutes & then I need to sign in with a password & after logging in im waiting Again for ages for it to Just boot up to the desktop screen sitch though still STEAM dialog sign in box window?wizard Login thing comes up & Ive forgotten the password for that & hence have to always close it & never get to login though it has been ages , months maybe year plus that I have no motivation to play Any Computer Games & in wake of that only comment how I need $500 & be a day-trader meaning buy sell with the ASX non b$ though yeah Im a near always broke(dsp)pensioner that needs a girlfriend astat & has zero pick up skills/z & wonders not as I know its of similar reason I havent hooktd up with any1 since over a few years ago. 1017pm Monday May 15th 2023 | | | | typedd up finishedd @ 1027pm Monday The 15th of May 2023 | | | |