u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m
$ !!! here i am listening to Zedd - Clarity featuering Foxes though yeah the link to that is on the Alpine Sesh index previous that this prStartJournalEntry link is on the same page so u may go suss it out for yourselvesz though yeah 21minutes past 10pm and yeah at Alpine Lodge thinking not much though rem1ndedd myself just typeing then i still need to catch the first bus off the hill and mission into the city in order to make sure i dont defruit everything with Granny and repaying her this debt money i said i would. though yeah anyhow now some other song jsut startedd playing and yes its from barton daysz 1 being Swedish House Mafia - dont worry child , me remembering how i would be up late transisting te 36 hour calandar squares or more though walking always on wooden hardfloor and most of the time in the kitchen at the table just writting down financial maddness though yeah anyhow how good is it having a border that covers all cigarette expense that these days with no such dependant having to fork over 3750c for 23s or 5695c for 35s ! it is reidicalus however it is spelt though yeah hope to God no attendee that used to chill there is dead due to this ratsakk gear, & hopefully like Sarah they are all marriedd with kids even that is iv they want or are ready for them mainly financially as the whole crew all characters present are all of level mind,mindedd unless thinking zd89 and his crazyness like dennis being professional local not AmericAn wrestlers though yeah anyhow everyone has there own entertainment requirements and or limits?/z| anyhow the time now is 1026pm so 2226 in 24hr and that relates to my supersitious road post in upper gully with two defence hwy shields on it one 22 and the other 26 and that relates to Christmas 2015 when i had sex withthe first girl since after Sarah who i was with from 2010 to 2015 and i think spent 19hundred daysz plus without 24hours going past without seeing each other and at the start without a kiss and or hug.
....though yeah anyway time now 3 mins till 1030pm i best save this and then upload it and the previous alpine lodge sesh html page file and then make a link to it on the main already xxzystant website: https://www.unfree.coffeecup.com/
10:28pm Thursday 2023 05 11 | | | |