
| | | | um???????? now....... LINE 6: LINE 8: ! DAN !!!! may you actually type up some good $ relatedd money $ ?Ledger($)??? iNSANEpROVIDE-ING-dEPOT ~ not the LPC or PLC LONDON? L S E ! ! ! ! | | | | $ $$$ | | | | = = = = - - - - i owe the scrapyard $30.00c AUD still though thinking for a means to sooner repay this over-paid-?advance?-now-debt-in-$ thirty dollar$ i was thinking of maybe scraping other tangibles not just can$ & them or one being old car batterie$ i was told each one gets $6 so technically iv i manage to get 5 of them that fully repays the entire debt !!! !!!! | | | | i still owe $30.00c AUD though today FRIDAY 2023 05 12 1034 | | | | & there is this $30 prezent list that i need to start such idea with my brother as i think ive neglectedd him at least via not watching nearly not even one footy game that he i think has playedd over 300 games?/z! though yeah at least i found a banknote with the initial serials on it being his 2nd kid and 1st son's initals and i put it in a mini card saying from uncool uncle dan.... 10:35am ~ DAMN IT ! THE COFFEECUP HTML TXT EDITER JUST WIPEDD ALL THE STUFF I HAD TYPEDD ABOUT SARAH ! ||| |||||