- i thought of the fact of scouts three levels of the same "entertainment" badge via just replaying the same piano song three times, sorta was a cheat though due to being level ? AMEB qualifyed for the scout badge earning requirements. the song was called " THE ENTERTAINER " though yeah this was sometime in the ninetys before 1999 or maybe even before 1998 though yeah @ 1st FERNY CREEK scout$ and cub$,
- i did think of Alex Cassidy and only now her brother DEZ a music hardware?work technichion (cant spell it right) though a mixer and equalizer technition person,.. though yeah also iv includeing Ross and rko into the thought brainstorm well i guess those asx:SXL shares going from 2044 holding to a 205 holding i contuinuely think is all because of his recommendaion on how to handle or treat a "lieing bastard" like me, daniel d... .....
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