u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m


8.26pm - trying to log in into my (laptop)
- - - - = = = =
827pm - Actually 1st time Sightedd
Once loggedd / signedd in

827pm - Need to open Notepad
though more so a html page
template useing Desktop
Shortcut I made ages ago
- - - -
828pm ~ closedd STEAM login/sign-iner
---- - -------------- --------- ----- ------------

^|v (was typeing & adjusting template
to create 2 new near clone-ish bs html page$
that in writting this Relizedd I still do
need to type & save 1 preStartJournalEntry

- - - -
Now 832pm - WEDNESDAY - 2023 - 02 - 01 $ $$$ | | | |

8.59pm Wednesday February 1st 2023.$... . . . . .