always felt suspect on psychiatry and had a disposition to hateing on those pikeing girls especially an aprent sister that bit her tongue off when she was 5 or 6 due to an imbellcile giving her a bikki though yeah looks like that should be commended not just the kiss transfer into the girls mouth lucky he took her shopping to knox when she finally was late teens?/z i never got to chill with her though and i missedd out on the girlfriend that maybe was her friend. anyhow thankyou Sarah otherwise id eat28 nah just kidding i want a girfriend not a long stay at maroondah and npt-edd to some other bs like secu just so someone could contiue spikeing get rep have all uni students nearly love his work social context and methe narcessist anyhow what does matter iv from a lifelong prank practical joke of the versektame memo being circulatedd it must be me then the badie for thinking anything postTomConnorsz sky blue is a bs , anyhow defruit it :(