sorry to those i dont recognize when for example being at the library and unless ive spoken to you recently or have had repetition vynyledd into memory of who u are though iv you are someone i have met though havent had communion or seen repeatively then im sorry i dont recognize and only hours later half the day or next day?week i finally remember whomb you are and its too late to say anything even though those i do know familiararly im hopeless at carrying conversation and makes this sense of i care not though its not the case im just skull rivotedd and thats not so much the problem aside restricting and not opening introduceing myself and or being social though yeah doesnt mean i dont like u or dispize just like uni guzzler nights i find it hard to be around multiple people or even few iv not smoking ciggy$ and snuff anyhow im shiFting on and this song from simpsons Zero?smashing pumpkin$ though yeah i think there is another song that was around the same time that said zero also unless im thinking of being a pat's and prodigy psychosarhmatic? something all i can?may say! ahh bs isnt me bs izm me 304am Wednesday thE 8th of February 2023 so only less then 7x24hr$ till paid and may get another packet of ciggy$ and yeah hopeing anz asx reach 2644cent$ this week ! hopefull then this overdraft costing me $10 per month eventually $120 per year and yeah bs , anyhow check my site click the ankh for 2023 menu index manifest the site address iv unknown: https://www. OCD'd TIME STAMP: 3.06am Wednesday February 8th 2023.$... . . . . (( got tool - forty six & 2 playing on spotify ... . . . .