20230213,MONDAY. transcribe material Starting Ammo material Back Pack D A N inspection1st1 f o r b o t h the city & just Ferny Creek on the 688 bus Almost @ the General Store Ring Dave both Dave$ .thE SCANS homework Do the entire album again & folder save ARCHIVE ---- find both the 1TB & 3TB external harddrive$ tonight ! the 13th of February 2023.$ ---- - -------------- --------- ----- ------------ htmlgame____UFTG STATION---- can:/may: - catch 1 of 2 buses - catch the 1 train either towards city or towards Belgrave ---- may/can walk to: - shops - plaza - Kings Park - 1 of 2 Churches Monday February 13th 2023.$... have feature-ing Frooty Loop$ ---- prehaps have $ or ?$ $ DAN CLAM$ not abaloneY$ UFTG###FTG=|=|=|=|BOZ=|=|=|###etc city, the on foot decisions from station . thE FC General Store & the Tremont SERVO' $1800 say Friday 17th --> March 17th or 15th 13th & another $1800 or Out On the Street 1stly= -> Pay this $50 & THEN think 3695c & a hundge So instead of $900 each its 1000 & 800 first 1 & yeah think all tub$ defrag @ the appartment the idea of 1900 & 1700 instead of 1800 each & yeah Doug @ A L P I N E