two mins till 730am Valentine'4 Day Morning Maroondah Hospital - PsychWard - Mental-Health_bs_ ---- 731am - just trying to sign into other facebook accounts that I createdd Originally before ? Gangster Battle ? eBay ? Sarah ? ---- 732am - writing on this paper towel to transcribe later on 739am - loggedd into 1 account & see these jokeingly enormus ass boobs to critize the heaven they you'd hope have a good sould injoi such Anyhow ireckon facewize this woman is a part Cheryl DNA & Allison's Mum Jess's DNA You can see some rezembleance in the/her face though yeah enough from me ill transcribe this way later. idea20202302140741 use Laptop on the vLINE ! ----other side of paper towel: - - - - 0 - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - - - 741am 2nd side of Paper Towel parchment & now the time is 742am Tuesday Feb 14th 2023 Valentine'$ Day 2023.$ ---- 754am - loggedd into 1 facebook account with 3 notificationsz---- 757am - loggedd into main account ?illiegble"> i guess there just isnt any girl looking for me i was going to say "not looking out for me" though stoppedd myself as there maybe 1 though (758am) how do we ( or i ) know ? unfortuneately it must be all bs , 759am Valentine'$ Day 202302140759$ Tuesday