==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ I NEED TO LEARN COLOUMN$ AND MORE WEBPAGE SITE LAYOUT RELATEDD TWEAKING$-AGER$-ALTERATION$-4-thE-B3++3r.,,. 1206am Wednesday February 15th 2023 | | | |
D A N D E - &... my mate Steve, stephenwaring.ws >
= an example of how shiFt and dodge(y) and help u not some site$ there in xzystance here on the net! sorry to expose u to such cookie and data stream bs ! ??? ! ! ! ! !
THough my mate Steve has signedd up to th15 m0b and ever since has been chargedd a foreign currency needing conversion direct debit every month, something like $10 or $15 USD per month!
......this has to stop !! | | | |
12.15am Wednesday The 15th of February 2023 | | | | +1minute!!! !!!! | | | | +3min$ !!! !!!! | | | |
| | | | ....though i myself want to earn/unearn a free at least thirty odd, enough for a packet of cigarette$ each day, let alone each month ! ||| | | | |
D A N I E L - D A W S O N - & - [
Dan's Can Collection ] - A Google search ... . . . .