Daniel Dawson February 19, 2015 ยท Shared with Public Veronica's Coool Ooo song on the Radio /in my head on loop,, Ooo Ooo I will drive u (2) crazy Oooh U like up on that map! Bombombombomb ptit How many times till u don't remember bombombomb ptit Oh I liked it like that wWAK!! Take that back! Take that back!! Kent Bruce has gone mad syd snooze has gone mad Kent Bruce has gone mad Syd snooze has gone mad Brashers has gone. Period! = = = = - - - - the bs i typedd content of months prior sarah and i breaking up in August that year ( 2015 ) ... .... sorry sarah and everyone though unrelatedd this now though not sure of the veronicas song though did think "oh hey!' a song of past to re-listen too though relize now its the TOUCH SENSITIVE - VERONICA one with the dude in the film clip not wanting to be a peedo though being the music booth dude at the roller skateing place too long must of made him miss out on a girl to marry as they all grown up or some shiFt though yeah here i am 35 years old still with only a girlfriend($ in the past. damn damagedd oh well george orwell animal pharmacY1?ergghh oh well not meaning to derogatize allison though went to type in misspelt keys?/z sarah anyhow sghould of not backspacedd the ketyboard jizz anyhow gone now hopefully tomorrow is a good day night and life. OCD'd TIME STAMP: damn it ! it was just XO TIME = 10.15 (PM ....though now its the minute later so yeah, . . . . 10.16pm Sunday 20230219.$