1 2 . 0 1 a m M o n d a y F e b r u a r y 2 0 t h 2 0 2 3 | | | | 1 . 5 5 A M - MONDAY 2 0 / 0 2 // 2 0 2 3 | | | | 1.56am - here @ Alpine Lodge (cubboard) computer / laptop & monitor setup with printer and scanner not here though in the study.. 1.57am - still here typeing and at least can do that at this terminal and make paintFiLE($) and use the internet though yeah limitedd in produce-able tangible$ !!!!! 1.58am - listening to spotify , @ least iv got the internet i can listen to the free (have to put up with random targetedd advertisement audio & some video) though yeah currently listening to this song " Life Like - Karnivool ' though it sounds like its got Linkin Park'$ "Chester'$ voice in some of the vocal$ screaming / singing ? fyi 2.00am - is the time now and thinking of going off the hill and catching the train to the city to get on though yeah wont be untill Dad goes to work... 2.01am - had to change the song as "Scarabs' (again Karnivool) is too full on ! anyway i put Roquefort back on and the time just flippedd over to 202am . ... . . . . 2.02am - the time now and yeah from over an hour or earlier when i was haveing a ciggy on the verandah or was inside at computer thought this idea joke from thinking of a now closed shop resturant in Sassafras that was calledd "Flipping Pancake$" though yeah the joke name was " flipping planet$ " from flipping house$ anyway, /// |||| 2.03am - Spotify is playing Karnivool - Roquefort , i dont know how its pronoucedd though proberbly is RockFort knowing my luck though yeah again now 2.04am ... .... 2.04am - i know it is sorta pointless though im trying to make gooder content that may or may not get read by fan$ or badhood-instagate-tor$ or garage surgeon$ nonLoling ..... . ... . . . . 2.05am - in this song there is all this scramble almost illegible audio in that recording subliminal reference i wonder what in truth is getting said, that is as long as its not painfull troment moans like in some other supporters of Grantulla'$ basement indian-english traitor examples insect footwork !!!!!!! 2.06am - lucky im trying to type a new string line of text each minute before the clock changes each minute and i already got past this lines hyphen as the computer clock turned flipped changed to 207am so yeah luck though thats the time now !!!! 2.07am - im just thinking some abhorant bs though yeah its that song that sounds linkin park-like and some other band in partly that is Lost Prophet$ start something or make a move, . ... . . . . . 2.08am - um not sure iv ment to make the extra drop line here or not as the time says 208am well did now it says 209am ! ... . . . . 2.09am - yeah this song think "Life Like" - karnivool must be undisclose-ing the feature unless its the singer counterfeiting or maybe these "elite'online hacker$ ? 2.10am - ok this seams to be fully pointless sorta though i want a girlfriend or a girl to treat me to this already its been like 3 years since i was 32 ! 2.10am - no it swaptd just then to 2.11am so yeah best end it here... 2.11am - https://www.unfree.coffeecup.com/ & click the ankh for the current 2023 manifest/menu/index! !!! !!!! | | | | 2.11am Monday The 20th of February 2023 ( MY BROTHER'$ B'DAY TODAY ! ) i must remember to get this second HPBDpaintFiLE printedd for him today!! time is now 212am. ... . . . .