A20230221-preStarJournalEntry1.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = 10.04pm - here i am @ Alpine Lodge FC & im listening to Roquefort - Karnivool that since last night keept thinking that i with the actionedd and help of either Shivon(speltWrong) and or her older sister Ashleigh has had its lyrics influence or part sourcedd from a i think bikki muntedd rhyme sesh recording$ that happen i think at their dad's backyard bungalow we briefly were priviledgedd to chill in late at night (unfortuneately sneakyly) & we calledd it "THe Devenshire Office$' though yeah this is going way back like before Sarah before maybe even the psychward the first time in 2006 though yeah was good time$ most defineately..... . ... . . . . 10.07pm - also just before i used Mum's phone to quickly call my up north mate Paul thinking / fearing bs like he died though thankfully he is alive so that is good. And yeah now playing on spotify is the song that resurfacedd last night that is: Korn - Did My Time & i think that steams back to chilling with a GoodHood Marcus that have fully lost contact to and with, and i sorta blame maybe how when me and Sarah got together i stopped communicateing to alot of people/friend$ that i knew or met though im praying they dont fell like i ditchedd them completely or at all for that matter though yeah anyhow i sorta want to do other shiFt like check my facebook and load up paint even thoughv i dont know what to do and i think the haste-izm is due to wanting to sort out maybe the file explorer folders and harddrive and that maybe its the phone ? idk anyway, OCD'd TIME STAMP: 10.10 PM - TUESDAY 2023 02 21 2210 | | | |