u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m
Daniel Dawson
that 28 with a 14yo when shes 20,21
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Daniel Dawson
acu=phaze mid treatment
like black eyes covering the fact im unconcious and a "vip:pimp:1%er is suspect have there way so i wake up still restrainedd to a emergency hosptial bed with glank maggot in my hair guess moneybag$ gets off playing with his mates mouth dog. so unhappy with u the financer for toilet cams video clips threw the window. anyhwo no better or worse then opinionated fact and installing doubt in every grl i was lucky enough to meet and talk to not scope there house make a bs reason why there and have a suspendedd asprin sleter i at least used letterboxes for what they are ment for and that was unfortunately me thinking i was going to get married and it was all in my heead like when i was a child and i used to say camel told me or camel did it and then at some park field moving circus or attraction thing i met a camel and forever onwards never said it was camel the fact is i think i seen a bubble sticker move and that when a babysitter gave me acid at 2 years old though yeah hence no one wanting dan to have acid and DMT dont mention to DAN,...
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