preStartJournalEntry20230427160X.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ! ok, here i am at the library and i dont realy have much i need to type up or that i may think right now to type other than as usual almost almost all the stutteredd time the threat of postHARDdriveINCINERATIONusaSTATEphamCLUBdown the street's prior attendees not for the girls though for the weekend antiprimer-er-edd person to be knock out assaulttedd each weekend or night of bs badhood wrong "fun" anyhow lucky Sarah made that bastard into someone worth not drowning in the pacific... anyway anough of me ill end this .txt file here on this one line of scrypt after the heading title and underlinedd a1 codedd DANDE & below ill put an OCD'd TIME STAMP . ... ..... OCD'd TIME STAMP: Thursday202304271609.$ = = = = - = - = - = = = =