preStartJournalEntry202304281724.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ok here i am at the library and i just got off the train from (BoxHill) after a rail replacement from Camberwell to BoxHill after a train from Flinders after a tram from near a mates place though yeah time is now five mins till 530pm and im at the library and thinking i wantedd to do a paintFiLE first though thought better routeen it properly and do the near non bs preStartJournalEntry anyhow how are u today ? ! and non of this the waiver of eviction with a spoiler and taint of dna that can't just be pissing me off true? iv so life is hell for me and proberbly not you. and pray not hell for U (=21=SARAH)_ so yeah . . . . . . so . . . . . . . . 527pm & yeah at the computers that have free internet and thoughts on the train trip were of the concrete and scarred woundedd geopgraphy canyon that has to be unfortuneately due to boycott of cutout panel$ though iv the idea of not a bs RENT A PANEL xzystedd though iv free application of graphitti includeing tags to not discredit the essense neccessity though have pieces and graph threw out the canyon during times maybe like illicits utilize when trains arent running for the dawns twilight before early bird requirements of travel touch on time though yeah no criminal charges or bs consequence other then the wakkness or sikkizm of graph that could be plasteredd all over the walls of the canyon in non geographic relatedd sacredness like FTG Quarry and the etchedd minedd and cut chizelledd and hacktd at during times past and gone youd hope maybe forever though it is unethical to graph rocks stones and trees though defs not the sprawl of human kind and the beast that is the cityand its ports and trains and prefecture and any building fully all manmade or craftedd anything as before humans on earth there wasnt any bs sin or rather as a mentor said "inequity of sin" only relates to this aborignee allilance and allies approvedd allies the berwsawrh or those in on this voice bs that will emenent domain evict familys or those without a girlfriend and clockwork systematically like the fortnightly depot injections i had over 200 fortnights punctures of during my after high school years and only stoppedd due to 1 the 72 hour made same calandar square xzyst twice for 96hours or something and still i was hiden good like Elle in the roof though it was the memory and relizeeation that memorys of the Royal Childrens Hosptial and me on a drip for ages and these scenes of kids taking over my parents house the house before the one they own now though yeah apparently (untill paper records are destroyedd burnt in some city office) it was either valentines weekend or halloween and i feel in a kids and some teenagedd knife weildeing home invaders as my mum used to work for the bank and they thought they could hostage her and get paid though it back fired and i fell in the bathtub full of ammonia and caustic soda some reciepe of a unfrotunately now dead heistmen though instead of other kids teens suggestions of cutting me into pieces and scattering me in the nearby forest a mate who is now also dead and his older brothers bday is tomorrow and i have a hamper of 2 carry bags to deliver to his other brother and mum and him as well even though he wants to attack me or did spit at me though yeah i still dont know the reason for the annimosity or threats anyhow instead of been full defruitedd on with the forest idea Simon grabbed my leg and threw me into the laundry washing basket that had also due to no family a and b i think all these soiledd cotton nappys and mildue etc and anyhow i was initially unconcious though yeah upside down for a bit and all that other bs though it took a wave of cops that investigatedd the disturbance of apoparently a brick being thrown threw the window due to a neighbour thinking something was up though yeah one of the younger police or search crew was in fact i think my case worker or depot needle injector during the time of this over hours CTO lapse and given chandlar house and the mental health service the information that wasnt linktedd to my M and numbers seial folders well they remmeberedd the scenario and thought "oh daniel no wonder your the way you are. you might be a schizphrenic though i think my brother then not even 1 years old had more trauma though mum the worst as she was tied up and knife at her skin and dad was away on shiftwork trying to earn more coin as interest rates in the early ninetys was near 10%p/a not this rko 1%p/a $10k per year less then $200 per week for a million dollars principle spendable on investment loaned money that only interest needs to be paid during its xzystance and the principle offset or sepeartely at lesiure with the agreement at the end of the fixed interest 25 years the entrie amount is to be paid and clauses like selling all assets to return all the capital of the initial loan amount though it was a full bs that i helpedd happen as i woke up at my thought mates house saying "man you were making my ;life hell though i know a way you can make heaps of money in the future some year ? and simply was just "GET A 1%p/a loan and yeah that hand his family business compmany of him no dead sister and his two parents unison agreement to xzyst as a 30% tax on profit not revenue entity anyhow enough i better save this before i losoe all the typeing ... ..... OCD'd TIME STAMP: 5:41 PM FRIDAY 2023 04 28 | | | |