preStartJournalEntry202302021648-2.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ok here i am nearly statcheratedd bloody harpsicord ?pause]: um, start again , begin typeing , hands and fingers are bit crampish no word problems?/z| i got that BLVD NIGHT($ ~ TEAM SLEEP song in my head on infinite repeat only one part of the song though then other bits?/z u know how psychlink psychosis schizophrenia is. .... ...anyway thinking of such i need to find that bloody (swearing again) 1TB and other tower 3TB external harddrive$ so that i may find iv not on a usb the paintFILE from the original sets think 2019.$ or 2020, though dont fully know though yeah the Saturn and schizm-iZm ringsz singing one of outerspace iv such xzystedd. Now looktd from the station ramp and overpass at the construction of this new mega lith carpark abc concrete or was hypedd and favourable and likedd what i seen thinking the crackedd like glass was a good idea like cobwebs though then relizedd it was the scaffolding so damn ah then alls eventfull. anyhow i have near nothing i smokedd my last ciggy at upa gully and now need more ciggy$ and only have a AG serial (silver) ten dollar note and two five cent coin$ one being an 81 an instead of thinking freely give it to Cat (whos a dec81) thought to give it to the girl on the bus kim another 81 though yeah lucky she has her cat like my mate in sheppWest though yeah hanging to know and be fundedd to vvisit the person with Allison , ... anyway, NOW ! the time is six minutes till 5pm and i not sure iv i fully like this writting stye(style though... .....,231?no132yes-GB=GigaByte$¬: gb=gigabit$ there is a difference, though not exactly like dollarsz and cent$ like april 1966 was , according to the newspaper found in the wall or floor of the house my brohter is renovateing that facebook like the newspaper nice and yellow @ Grannysz facebook removedd the photoszz of that i wantedd and attemptedd to preserve some of actual history like the 1930s or 1920s book on flight that had me thinking WWI was entirely to remove from everyone all civilians the means of owning an dutilizeing the family plane or flying car as policy and money flags startedd hostorically xzysting around the same time and it is alot harder for bobbyPOM blue uniform utilities to police anyhow not hateing on the $72per hoursz as it will be such that are the guards?/z in a bs inprizonment over bs that has everything to do with plywood discrimination and mandatory other finalizedd legalizedd flow chaart bs that psychiatry people those diagnosedd only are feeling or felt during any episode of freedom of choice___ sorry though it xzystedd before the local to this library family called there post garden metalization$ that havent been boycottedd by me unlike the truthness of undoctoredd toilet cam ten dollar videos?/z that has only good in at least i livedd something associatedd to xzibit not some multiplication chump. chum harvest pie scrumpsush for those with coreection doctrine for all youth to abide?just die dan this thread gtg then ill ocd time stamp it and begin the routine .html minor index anyhow bs upon bs i best hurry i got max less the three hoursz though i need ciggy4 some how and i dont want to sell my sharesz just yet bloody(3rdTIME) rego costedd me the last of my money and some of it loanedd as i smashedd half a grand of debt this pay though yeah mental illness funness stay? no ketchphrase available. red myki metres 75cent$ deduction unrecoverable its nothing when $235$ @ 0.45%p/a approx is neededd to be unearningly creditedd at the end of a 30 days month 1cent. ... . . . . . OCD'd TIME STAMP: Thursday 5.03pm February 2nd 2023.$... . . . . . ...have to mention i failedd the comedy certificate when noir diedd. over it stoop talking plate material and inclinationsz and inflectionsz to the arearedd and accuredd defamation, guess thats why i attempt the charity and say one tree the triangle square inside house the panic room check it ! and i think @ least Allison gets?/z savedd. sorry thought brother of another mother just coin inducedd sister removerR not h ketchyahhhs?/z i cant stop it must be the suspension in the rain? or the sleters/z im hateing the sin k#n+ nidgeCo silent i think agree$ anyhow we want to feel good our wife sucktd the monorail till derailed and scientist chemistists/z are the engineers/z this is stupid daniel delete it not yet though i agree just i need ciggy i whirlwoind sometimes like charcoal still holding termals heat and yeah need cold fluid and this AG $10 is superstitiously too good to spend yet even iv my last DD $5 i had to break for 2x $2 cans of cold coca-cola classicsz since 1886 and gave dad the dollar to make $191 owed into $190 and then my brother swindles the can of the two i was saving since the eariler pizza at mt d though yeah he stilll now owes me the $2 or a can and i owe his gf a can (375mL) for the 250mL one i drank i know its the accounting that leveragesz u in front so you yourself arentthe dog. anyhow enough... . . . . . ANOTHER OCD'd TIME STAMP: 5.08pm Thursday February 2nd 2023.$... . . . . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =