editauthorOVERride: REGIFTMENT , REGIFTMENT AMOUNT , REGIFT-ING , are all accountancy terms of respecting the xzystance of debt xzystant in the free-loader or person being giftedd money or given gift$ thereout there lives (wage4 are almost inclusive ((hence this idea of a 8year old population owning houses and no money just tobacco trees not even dreams nightmares future prohecy bs to the wicked tongue,... anyhow just REGIFTMENT and the REGIFTMENT AMOUNT = the debt one is in to the cent of the cost of the gift$ being bestowedd onto them the gift reciever it is needed to be respectedd as in real life it is almost impossible to return and repay all debt to every thought cent of scabbing a drunk ciggy or getting a free ride home without your gf handbreak leaning and the bible did say before history vandals changed the words and amounts though we all die purely from the sins(the wrong things in Gods eye ) that we have done like me thieveing my uncles 2 tazoes out of a whole collection and been caught for it though he will never forgive me even with me twenty thirty years later paying him another whole series collectioon of tazoes though the breaking of trust was sin and every sin you do isnt fully forgiven (not the water off a ducks back spilt milk) just you have to die to be fully forgiven and dont think no sin today or past isnt chooseing to final solute like billanook uni-ee$ making their $5k 5litres of ratsak gear "to kill junkies" and repsecting them for it or incineration of children all becuase they dont want mum knealing for the guards and shift like that who do u give lifts too and tat axe murder well, green webcam true that prizonand the bane booth window its 10thousand kms? idk exact though in ussa in texas iv you do some shift they bane booth you or stress your nerves with voltage ampulation and all that captial punishment and think BUNG and the MONA LISA = innocent though copedd it horriblely torturedd for mouse in can laughers over the strawberry ffarm protectors with muig cig weidlers blowtorchs rko for one with snails its a loss to break shellsz justd saying though yeah back to reGIftment it is just the ledger for the debt of aud in australia for now in cent like if u are given a $20 tshirt at chrsitmas regardless v u like it or not u owe a regiftment of $20 to the payer of that gift and when involveing $7 blangladesh binju jackets like the tathers i wear all the time well the cent debt gets movedd around and has roots in mortgague as its the death gauge in relateon to coin and the measure to see who pays who doesnt who anyhow defruit it it wont publish anyway... . . . . .