preStartJournalEntry202302071050AM-1.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ok, here i am & i have just come from Aldi and purchase 3 boxes of ziplocks 2 of the 65pk and 1 of the 75pk they costedd $6.27c AUD so with cash note and coin$ ($7) i got the 2cent rounding in my favour and only had to pay the $6.25c AUD and got 75cent$ change and of that supersitiously coincidence was that the 50cent and one of the two 10cent coins were both 1982 mintedd or yearedd indicatedd and the bus stop i got on the bus to go to the bus stop near aldi at the bus stop waiting before i got there was i think Kim Beaglan's boyfriend or ex or current i dont actually know though i think it is the same dude and yeah Kim was a co-xzyst during Dec3rd2015-May?26?27?28?th2016... . . . . . Anyway, ....enough of this cut off $159 for unlimitedd sms and national call$ and 132GB of ... .... blasterd cut out / cut off .... anyway enough NidgeCo proberbly fully approves?/z in all instances?/z even the bs like , ......this contact is agreeable and agreed accepted upon reading and the cost of this will be ____ anyhow bs that steps to prelude :( Now on page txt file notepad line 12 , that equals?/z the letter L ( L= the 12th letter in alphabeta a1z26 number replacement ?code-ing finding fun in just lettersz messages?/z & numbers?/z in case also of numberology...... OCD'd TIME STAMP: Tuesday 10.56am February 7th 2023.$... . . . . ,