preStartJournalEntry202302141620-1.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ok, here i am at the library and i need to contact DAve and find out when he is home so i then can mission from here to rosanna so that i may deliver the hamper i got at Grannysz for the household and reduceing the debt tribute neededd to satisfy those there at the address. anyhow im not really wanting to type much its Valentine'$ Day and i got two prints paintFILE($) prints done at offGearEmployment for 30cent$ though they turned out more purple then hot pink so unhappy about that though maybe just cursedd them so in that no one no girl is there to give the one to today though hopefully there is . ... . . . . . D A N D E - - - - = = = = OCD'd TIME STAMP: 4.22pm Tuesday February 14th 2023.$... . . . . .