LSS20230215-1st1-DANDE . h t m l
preStartJournalEntry202302151257-01.txt ~ ? KB . ... . . . . .
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ok here i am at the library once again once again and yeah no more you arent my friend though reader u maybe though depends on bs that i dont see and u think or know and idealate or bail deject this writing typeing has limitedd respect though anyhow more of the rhyme some how though here we go with a lets bail to no place in particular and this fury rd mad max scenes at secu with kimberley on my bed not with u and all this not of curse-ed bs nonkindred she wasnt the girlfriend of who ever spoke ?en?cant find the rhyme in time so rewind and remind my mind of dea shine and thumble weirdness not clueing to the digestive spirit that may have picktd up passing the black paint creek that has not the migrate enzyme fend off ish thank God for cigarettes and the internal snuff agenting that saves one from belly acheing anyhow here gtg not yet fellow so yeah ah well george orwell animal farm the cartoon...
1.01pm Wednesday The 15th of February 2023
& meaning that i cared about them and spikeing is a lowact like having your way with a girl concious or not its bs i dont do and has happenedd on one too many uncle deletedd occassion and initiation to the english silk red filmco sherminatedd corner bs vent hatred of not being near a sarah who for all the time almost made up the slack or depressive bs that only a few came closeness though i think one prior sarah that i didnt full phorn with just kissedd on her bed with her her mum and my once upon a time boss i think was just the woman to my right useing the scanner printer photocopier machine full on ! :S
peptides ~ Google Search Resultsz... .....
paintFILE-LSS20230215-1324-03-DANDE.png ~ 9.27 KB . ... . . . . .
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+ 1 m i n u t e ! ! ! | | | ||