GPC202302162305.txt ==== = ============== ==== ===== ' the last(or2/4)page($)of linedd paper that I have here @ Grannys without getting a new or hardly written in, @ all exercise book. I just had the thought due to Doug & Jess going to Blackwood tomorrow that I should load them up with ?count of clean brand new exercise books & multiple with ink brand new plastic pen$ & for the full six of them going ill need before they go @ least 1 or 2 of the 50cent 10pks of pen$ @ OFFGEAREMPLLOYMENT FTG---- ---- I'll also need 90cent for six new book$ So all up less then two dollar$ I think though thats just them doesnt include myself! = = = = & yeah, I should maybe purchase before I keep on writeing I should check iv i got pens already here in the spare room @ Grannysz hang on, its 1110ish PM Thursday 2023 02 16 2310| 1111pm or 1112pm - I just checktd & got over 100 maybe 150 pen$ ALREADY---- ---- though even though that would of coosted me ?$ howElueYahIZmME1st FIVE NOT EVEN TEN DOLLAR$ I still should purchase tomorrow (FRIDAY) maybe another $10 worth so 200 more pen$. I really should clean them fully out of stock.