GPC202302162315.txt ==== = ============== ==== ===== FRIEND.REQUEST.HAS.VALID.REASON.TO.WHY.SHE.HASN'T.ACCEPTEDD.ME.APPARENTLY.ACCORDING.TO.PSYCHLINK---- ---- ok DAN, You have all night to transcribe, do you need Anything from WaltWoolworths?asx:WOW ?or Eureka Shell (VenusianTemple) Coles Express? i think asx:COL ====---- & yeah MaxiFoods I dont think are on the public share market like Food Work$ IGA or the?brand of is Metcash ownedd asx:MTS; I have 350 shares that paid me $40.25c AUD Recently or last month. ---- I still got that Deftones sounding Bvld Night$ song by Team Sleep in my head/mind THe issue DAN137L more seam$ to be____ Not Dean oweing 505 AUD & 53.$ though more?a dream?away?from sixteen? have You got your licence back yet? DAN137L D since you lost it in 2011/&2010---- ---- I got a folder with what I gotta DO THOUGH i NEED 1ST 8 or 7 plus hundred dollars for course thing. ---- OCD'd TIME STAMP: Friday 130something not yet 140am Friday February 17th 2023.$... . . . .