GPC202302170249$-TranscribeMaterial-ITEM.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = Fully have to , like the idfea/discipline of every single day Create @ least 1 paintFiLE or no bs says a psychLinker "be damnedd" ~ I guess like those black 'n white Space Marines remembered name calledd knights or Black Templar$ . ....though yeah is of a near full bs hobby that is unless you're skilled/talentedd enough to paint store level & can afford the crazy wonder iv will survive the Au felt GFC of current decade as there isnt the 1 Shop @ Eastland anymore I think so yeah No good. - - - - = = = = Here @ gRANNY$ ==== - - - - I should make the effort & typeup/transcribe all of the yellow book I got here whilst I have the time even though I cant be defruitedd & have nearly no none motivation or nilled inertiA though it would be better done tonight then tomorrow @ the library as it will take @ least an hour or so I reckon . & yeah that Karnivool song "Roquefort" came back on in my mind in my head too bad i dont have earphones so I could of listened to it @ THE LIBRARY ---- Though yeah just an idea(idea202302170256ish.)though I wonder iv i can get the net with my own laptop @ the library ?