GPC202302170316.txt ==== = ============== ==== ===== Just a thought another 3 Dove bar$ of soap for 1 Coopers 1 Reeves 1 more so 4 not 3 ~ need 1 Beth&Oneals & 1 Smiths & 5&6 Cones & Andy Meryl?---- (and the Richardson$ etc !!!!! & yeah Marie & Neice already moved like & how already got 1 for the Schillingsz though I guess that Dave & his girlfriend & Allisters family & that couple @ 8 who used to feed our dog & yeah there was someone @ 20 something & in Grade Six or year 8 after the billy cart derby we went to Jarreds & his Mum had a sink full of kiff though yeah was my 1st sighting of actual real dope even though zero bud & flowers ---- Now 20 or 21 past 3AM - FRIDAY Feb 17th 2023.$ - - - - = = = = bloody JBtrio!get off the radio in my head Not happy oor in agreeance to that 1 Revoultion Song's lyrics~ unapprove:unapprovedd. that Roquefort sounds way better Sorry those I thought knew Honeybone Sorry & Sorry Sarah I hope you are out of debt. I plan to send you 87 the next 9 pays so its only 2 grand I still(then)need to credit you with to make $21k.