GPC202302171257-0057-nearly1AM.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = -+++ projectedd budget/budjet_2023$thEf1rstOFmarch!st2023.$... . . . . = = = = - - - - $914.50c AUD on payday ~ MARCH!ST2023.$... . . . . ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ -$87.00c AUD --> SARAH PLEDGE 1of10 so $2k JUNE30TH! !!!!! -$100.00c AUD --> GRANNY DEBT 1of7 so $0 by her bday ! ! ! ! -$100.00c AUD --> GLASSES GRANNY & POP so REGIFTMENT = $4K !!!! -$10.00c AUD --> DAD so the $170 DEBT is only $100 by his bday !!!! -$10.00c AUD --> THE SUPER MARKET DEBT so the $3070 becomes only $3K !!!! = $607.50c AUD Then...... -?$$.$$c AUD ~ $18 iv $6k and $45 iv $15k --> MUM's bonus free fortnightly money $ !!! !!!! -?$ & iv planing to have a near same amount daily spend$ and ATM withdrawal $ to have $40 per day x14 = $560.00c AUD | | | | So you would have only $47.50c AUD left over that the $18 or $45 for Mum's free fortnightly money to come from & also remember there is still the 1cent ELISSA direct debit and the 2cent$ per fortnight 1cent per week meBANK ~ ANZ direct debit$ to remember !!! !!!! OCD'd TIME STAMP: Friday 0105ish February 17th 2023.$... . . . .