TranscribeMaterial-ChemistReciept-20230216.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = TV Show on ABC @ Granny'$ [ 20230216nearly20mins till 11pm ] ---- & it has currently a business show saying that "Saffron" is more expensive then gold. ----202302162239$ ==== - - - - I can't stand the noise & voices of those that favouredd the 1%er their was sacred GirtHood. (even though in typeing that thinking how that young local girl may have i dont hate hearing her voice so sorta is nil nonbs. damn:( TRASHBAG$ DAN DAN137L---- Ok now tangent - sign up to Chem1st Rewards whatever it is called---- - And Register MYKI once got new phone & new number & 1 email - - - - The TV show is saying Ocean Plastic$ & prior did call the Recycleable PhysicalS found in the environment (I presume as litter) the TV said such is called "FUGITIVE?sourcedd or something, Though yeah...... also thinking maybe i should ask my brother iv i may rent some space for free or for $ coin to store my plastic tubs to help prevent theft & rummingidgeing threw unrespectedd. [ OCD'd TIME STAMP: THURSDAY202302162347ish ! !!! ! ! ! !