the folder calledd/savedd as: _______U5B_ ,_usedd to be called: " _-___-__no-depth-&-or-sub-folder$_folder-2023-$_1 "' ......then I renamedd it and made an empty folder carry the name in the empty folder$ folder currently not on laptop though is on this usb. Now , . . point is that i need to work on my harddrive and folder allocation-ing and name-ing ( file-ing) fiddly?feature$?just haveing knowledge and skill, talent in appropriate folder creation and thiws idea or fear or warning of how copy and pasteing folders tolls detrement to the harddrive physically and in reality as ithas to re-etch or re-align , re-margin, do some bs that weakens/z and de-integralizes=$/z the hardware/laptop/computer etc ..... ANYWAY, I AM TRYING TO SOLVE OR PRACTICE GOOD FOLDER creation and fileing / FOLDERING ..... . ... . . . . | Enough of me ! ||| | | | | = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = DANDE OCD'd TIME STAMP: Friday 0244 2.44am February 17th 2023.$... . . . .