zero-155-ISS-GPC-202302170155-RIP-JAMES-D-1980-2010-DANDE.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ! ok , I need to create a flyer or webpage linktd to an accessedd and traffic xzystant portal for anyone interestedd potentially reading and think to go ahead and contact me to see iv i am willing to do whatever task or job they may want to delegate or have someone else do/complete for this crazy earn$ idea of just chargeing a single dollar, $1.00c AUD ! ! ! ! & yeah...... So........ I gotta think or know within myself what i would and wouldnt do such as unfunny bs joker (or should i say jester) resquests for maggothoodedd two10ers/z in hope of being not heterRo even though i only want to hook up with this future girlfriend whomb ever it is so im not accepting requests that involve any prostitution and or full disgusting bs like one moneybag$ two druggedd recall eater$. a horrible one from the internet and unsure as cant fully remember though that i think DNA expriement abomination GOATSEA or something full disgust... ..... Anyway enough of me this .txt file is only neededd for me to have as reminder of this $1 idea to only charge a dollar even though now thinking about it ~ IT IS LIKE THE psychlinktd idea told saying about all my hordedd possessionsz to just charge a dollar per anything any item in my store room though i thought no i cant let go for that cheap and thought i should make a ten dollar list though thinking again i think i should along with making an advertisement for this $1 job$&task$ non bs, i should make and type up or make a paintFILE of a $10.00c AUD only list of things id sell or let go off for such,.. just an idea! = = = = - - - - !, now.... it is past 2am in the monring or night before morning Friday February 17th 2023.$... . . . . ==== = ======================= =================== =============== ============== - - - - . . . . , , , , | | | |