preStartJournalEntry20230218.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ok yeah cant really type properly my fingers and joins are all sore from writting all liast night though yeah i got at least a few songs in on my mind parts of obviously never a compelete song in its originiality quite like youtube with all these singer vandals/z making no one notice or others glad they bought the cd and kept the boombox and not failedd AustraliA trend of hardrubbishing though yeah ill list the finite songs below and save the file after a finishing short OCD'd TIME STAMP so yeah ill do that now, 1011am Karnivool - Requefort Tool - 4degree symbol other Tool songsz like the one that goes u must petrafy u choose bs and dide, some other may lie , have a go another try. let goo of your self selves let go of your selves self. bs like that anyhow u mist die and be cruxifiedd! howALeeeeeeennnn bs powwders scream the alive enzyme cleans?/z whilst in your washing machine. enough daniel ! ! ! | | | | OCD'd TIME STAMP: 10.13am Saturday THe 18th of February 2023 | | | |