preStartJournalEntry202302201719$.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = | ok , i am now here at the library, nothing really on my mind other then some memory. I need more money i think i spent three thousand ovwer a period that isnt spent liquid anyhow what to do !? I also got that public black velvet song in my head, a dumb k#n+ hence no profound in anything that ive said the rhyme is not in timeing of the song DAN, just inmagine a train ride and a fan not the elctric 1 or the gun rifle slung , ??? dan daws-on u need to do something more speed in your typeing and fine a good belief in the inside teaching that the payer of at least a thief . ... . . . . THe correct time according to this computer screen says now that is 5 twenty 2 so here i am again without uuuuu u uuu uuuu How are you yourself feeling reader ? i wont be able to hear or sense your answer due to obviously science and no taught superstition that like YOOT TOWER no mention of cancer. No good lyrics and not a space-ing drop line , its all good meaning i dont drink wine maybe the troff hose concrete wash it off ? the barrels from number 4 now9 the crime is legal to slice a livings?z neck at least iv the building is ownedd or built by TEMASEK ! sorry witchfarmer$ the west or the pilgram, these names i dont want them hurt-ting- not a grenade ping tin or steal blade just a microphone and no one home. bs is the reality of a world where u only win iv prostitutes/z are our girl$ evil villianry not me daniel d ... . . . . , ....anyhow life here at the keyboard computer not the piano or some other music making channel no more youtube is physically incorrect though iv u go to listen to certain songs that i do and instead of the singer alex i hear you! it sorta pisses me off like EURYTHMATICS or how ever its said and spelt that cover saying offical music non-trailer what kind of girl? not that florence and the machine even though sweet nothing may have been ! ! ! ! anyhow i dont hate u and i didnt thieve the contents of that treasure box like mine unprotectedd. i think its like when at the computer up the hill at alpine ill be sitting there with fingers on mouse or letter typeing and once upon a time there later was less ciggy$ all because light fingers and to defruit the rhymeing completely somehow not just "magic' pocket$ think my brother really needing a ciggy though recently and before for quite a while no pinching or theiveing that i know of directly though not at all iv other people come to the house and take stuff rummage threw my cache stashs of cartoon books and 90s 80s collector cards the simpson$ onesz for example samples and where did the X-FiLE$ ones?/z go ? i do not know anyhow thinking of something not the wheres wallys the once a wekek or month encyclopedia or travel book no needing the flying plane rewards card anti-hook no scorpions or bad arsedd villians/z sorry to use the same discriminatedd plywood machine gun those thinking they are of a new world "ELiTE' bs-izm that is foundeddd on psychology doctrine and compPLIN a mention of this and that at your tafe gate ? what u speaking mate? ah damn there it goes it is destroyedd the paper phone call and waiver of elle not haveing to kneal for auxGestapo unlikedd scum thank God almost 10 decades young. unlike those in this pre20 30 . ... .... a snitch and thief arent the raiser$ of hope and true justicec and applawdence 4 anyhow i best save this an d bail before staff or hacker trickery. thats enough for now from me daniel ... ..... OCD'd TIME STAMP: 5.33pm Monday The 20th of February 2023.$... . . . . | | | |