iv u assault someone you are not qualifiedd for the QUSARTER OF THE LAW.. ......also doesn't mean iv not involvedd in the drug quarter you gain legal or supersitious rite to any crime. wrong thing. sin. loveLess. innocence test. relative or exgirlfriend$ paying of one$ personal dharma controlledd non car swearver....... thE threat of stranger no life changer = real life - cog fully baysy is closer then boronia or ftg and also ringwood might have a reviveal of shiFt go face ruiners/z and did assualt at bs NECRO?sorry DOLTON DAKOAA near maybe even when the mob after flow of attendee$ swampedd near the rd the RSL is on. anyway martyr$ of the 21st century could be common denominator is drinking LEGAL alcohol we dont need cliche THE STREETS - THE IRONY OF IT ALL.:. ok........ OCD'd TIME STAMP: 1minute till 130pm February 22nd 2023 | | | | went to save and upload this file & the FTP changedd its name: bedside-instigator-one-looses-a-gf-and-that-girl-free$-up-another-girl-that-i-think-there-is-always-2032-2031-and-apoVan$-carpark$-bung-developer$-ugly-fat-insulin-never-leaves-the-body-binds-with-alcohol-a-T-brother-younger-000-0000.txt BEDSID1.TXT now 133pm them leaving thought ambush right of me carpark no train without kinetic pain?! 1.34pm - Wednesday 2023 02 22 1334 | | | |