preStartJournalEntry202302221221.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ok ! Here i am at the library and i constantly think of paranoia stemmedd you would hope about those that instigate bs they are one class or catagory of bs then there is the "EL1+E15+' followers/z and supporters/z that of HEAVEN RUINER$ those that help ELLI on to the cattle wagon to Autschwitz all because she smokes ciggy$ and crystal that wasn't illigal before i think though may need to reverse time further though the after Reserve Bank of AustraliA being foundedd in 1059 and the Crimes Act 1960 though yeah i thought such was introducedd as those that were known to be murders could not be proven given some noun or similar bs so they introducedd the arrestable offence of drug relation and possessing so that the known though cant prove murderer has something on them all the time and gets done for those reason$ though yeah i am unsure of the noir or fate of PolPot and Sadam and WWE?WWF annoucer Donald Trump & the condition of Broome & surrounds?/z that i think google earth is 3 years old satelite imagery and did get nukedd in October 2016 hence the building of an exportation port and formed a new company foundry ?FORTESQUE that along with the extortedd raw ore$ export the foundry was is to forge?metaligyRelateddProcessWOrd i can't be botheredd looking up to find though they want processedd iron metal and iron ore and coal so yeah also you may notice the increase of price of what were cheap commoditie$ on eBAY and that though yeah aside tangenting FOXTEL right ? is it true there is no more Foxtel and instead theres all the series and tv show streaming services?/z|?electronic?digital?internet/computerMONITORmoreTHENtvRELATEDDproduct$ like all i can list here is Binge?Stan?Netflix?iiNET?no?um?!there are other$ though i should try again one time to not only list them though find out the owner$ of each, the companie$ that is........ Anyway, up2u now it is 1 minute till 1230pm and i just came from the station then met James then washedd my hands in the public toilet due to enroute to the library i noticedd on the footpath in only ten or ? metres seperate 2 black feather$ that hence me doing the shriner adept for my early 20s i had to find a spot on the nearest totem tree for each and did though vnot too sturdy so may have fallen back to the footpath and pray not gutter from both tree$ though yeah birdflu carbon7 nitrousHOMICIDE bs skat on the metal post due to some chat as defruitedd rotten dot net NOOOO it was COM and two goats and a lavendar dish, bs this comedy certificate IIII is not worth it though seams to be the source of others loyaltys?/z to some again EL1+E15+ near bs & iv not discrimination like in india with the caste system lucky the ashphaut pedesterian accident nonvillian regardless of only compensation being the ability to still walk though the internet reporter called them "untouchable$" not due to a glass man Samuel Jackson or Bruce Will us? though like resomator prelude fluid and semi-solid$ receptical content$ and broad waste$ of such with cousin Pennywize(greywaterLaundryDishcharge) though yeah India have a few defruitedd ones not just the amputee statues on temple verticises though the elite1st(EL1+E15+_ berswah table$ for both indian and english interferance and doing one better and coming up with tortures and example consequences/z as bad as that R18+ ratedd name of an insest though theres one also the traitrarc that is a donce?? whom they snap the basae of ones spine and fasten a metal brace so the poor person (usually a innocent being framedd by modern day proof) then is made to form a yoga like triangle with their feet and hands touching the ground and thier moonshine in the air and the metal brace holds them forever till dead in that walk on all 4s/z and something about not that movie though still for an innocent like the ducking stool defruitedd bullshiFt this future IBM no longer Vericorp neccessity to work and recieve any electronic money i am sorta sure in the near future the Government take out of circulation banknotes and coin$ though after a few years i think by 2031 they re-introduce it because those working crims that solicitate and launder threw bs like Air Cut facilitysz shops in your local strip of giza no Lungboom bs anyhow talking bs this is not history to be re-written or hacker or offical video no exact when originally recordedd singer and only the dire fan$ notice and reject and pity the hardrubbish and throw everything out mentality and anti-horde-ing bs as iv you still have a cd player and the original cd from post Brashes JBHIFI youd be able to listen to the song u like though yeah anyhow $72 per hour and the $36 per hour, henchy$ and snitche$ the both are quibbbedd and may not xzyst in a unruinedd heaven our grandkidsz kidsz even might take that long to eradicate the solcialist eliteist second classing the ""no i cant do that becasue they affects me" & most recent "i cant let u cashout i havent got enough (when there probsz IS ENOUGH) and you can use that ATM (the one not out of order) and pay $6 a withdrawal like the $4 toilet roll vision of a no longer friend or was ever pending how u measure 87 born. enough of me, daniel d... . . . . OCD'd TIME STAMP: 12.43pm Wednesday . . . . . F e b r u a r y 2 2 n d 2 0 2 3 | | | |