BSH20230110-DEBT-&-TRIBUTE-&-GIFT$-HAMPER-1-FROM-20z2-intro-vent-1.txt = = - =|= = = = = = = = - = = = = = - = =|= = - = =|= = . = = = = = = = = Here is the list and prices of the itemsz i wasn't able to afford in time for a m8's birthday today. & yeah now this hamper i have been prepare-ing for months now & started & was intendedd to be delivered on before this disagreement & him not wanting to be my friend anymore though i still want to repay/pay the tangible$ to reduce any xzystant debt and or not so much leverage just return on what i said that is the same as promise though those made in duress & to someone who stifled their sister with a mouth full of water, might not maybe have the best intentions?/z| ( & that has nothing to do with u BSH84 ! ) Anyhow maybe this txt file can not be the actual one A4 page i need to print so i may just end here and save it upload and start again, ok. 1021am Tuesday 20230110 | | | | / ? ??? ? ? ? ? | | | | /