preStartJournalENtry202301100959$.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ok here i am at the library just before 10am and yeah just been to WaltWoolworths and checktd some prices on some stuff that i neededd to add to this hamper though decided a few days ago that i would just find out the exact cost currently of some of the ungotten yet itemsz so then it could be totaledd to an agregate amount that i wanted to be nearest or perfectly $20 to reduce the money owed that i lent now nearly over a year ago anyhow it is for an exfriend who doesnt want to be my friend anymore he said sometime last year though today is his birthday and his mum is dead a few years ago and i think he only has his uncle for relatives though who knows anyway the list of tribute/debt/pantryList almost that ive had this green bag hamper semi-prepped for ages now and due to his bday its sorta the deadline to complete the aquistion of the listedd entrysz though yeah got most of them just need these few more or to make a .txt file after this and get it printed for 15cent$ at officeworks when i get two more paintFILE($) printed there as well so need 45cent$ for all that. anyhow enough of me and the 36phr wizardrys?/z somehow not witch burner material ... .... so yeah thats it for now.... OCD'd TIME STAMP: 10:03 AM TUESDAY THE 10TH OF JANUARY 2023.$... . . . .