preStartJournalEntry202301121401.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = i am at the library and i got that birds of tokyo song in my head anchor though its because of a similar sounding song i heard in the summer of 2013/2014 and dont know what it is the name or the band artist though yeah was when that rudimental ft emili sande or something spelling "free' though yeah anyhow here i am and um........ TH1nk1ng i should maybe stop typeing and do a paintFILE and scrypt html code in notepad here the LibrarySchoolSessionManifest or at least "work' compartminalize-ation someNack1t bs sorry i dont know why 36per hour insist on bs and yeah wheres my 50 working new years for one hour of five peoples feast at a laundry sorry man though it shiFts/z me thinking friend not and just a non agressive rival was the observers/z classification bloody bs . i need coin & ciggy$ down to my last 2 of this deck and yeah it costs no shiFt something like 4 cents?/z over 6dollars50cent$ for just 4 cigarettesz i need salvation of a soothing female a feam of dream though yeah anyhow things thefted from me we hope ceases to be, enough daniel get defruited elsewhere said a few the 1 the 2 though yeah the letter L instead?isnt a 1 even though on notepad with that i think is fixedsys though isnt the font exampled or xzystant anyhow need this one and only new email to rectify and consolidate save from online telephone fraudsters that have me paranoid like the maroondah intake loop when going to the bank unable to prove my identity though yeah full bs . ... .... oh not sweLL i pray to go life is not constant hell. a raindeer for you, im just a cancerrrrrrr~ OCD'd TIME STAMP: nearly ten minutes past 2pm Thursday The 12th of January 2023.$... . . . .